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Chciałbym mieć dzieci
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I would like to have children
Chciałbym mieć dziecko
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I would like to have a child
Kiedy on zamierza zaprosić mnie na randkę?
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When is he going to ask me out?
zapraszać na randkę (Separable): ask somebody out
Obawiam się, że w tej chwili nie jestem w stanie odpowiedzieć na to pytanie. Wrócę do Ciebie później.
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I’m afraid, I’m unable to answer that at the moment. I will get back to you later.
spierać się, kwestionować
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opaska na kolano
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knee band
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synonim: drink
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As nouns the difference between beverage and drink is that beverage is a liquid to consume, usually excluding water; a drink this may include tea, coffee, liquor, beer, milk, juice, or soft drinks while drink is a beverage
This soup is much too sour for me.
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kwaśny in inglese
Poziom oszczędności zaczął systematycznie rosnąć
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The level of saving started climbing steadily
Po nagłum wzroście opadł na swój oryginalny poziom
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After a sudden rise it plunged back to its original level
plunge - spadać gwałtownie (o wartości, cenie)

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