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mop the floor
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fregar el suelo
clean the windows
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limpiar las ventanas
make the bed
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hacer la cama
water the plants
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regar las plantas
stay up late
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quedarse despierto hasta tarde
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tarea de casa
change the sheets
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cambia las sábanas
polish the silver
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pulir la plata
to remove the dusting
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quitar el polvo
wash the car
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lava el auto
to sweep/ zamiesc
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to lay the table / to set the table
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poner la mesa
clearing the table
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recoger la mesa
busy schedule
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apretada agenda
Wash the dishes
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fregar los platos
to clean the bathroom
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limpiar el baño
put the washing machine
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poner la lavadora
put the light
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poner la luz
hang out the washing
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tender la ropa
fold the clothes
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doblar la ropa
to sew/ szyc
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to walk the dog
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pasear al perro
iron the clothes
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planchar la ropa
to vacuum (the floor)
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pasar la aspiradora
mowing/ kosic trawe
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cortar el césped
I can not wait
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Me muero de ganas

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