special introductory verbs

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Yes I ll be happy to help you
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agreed to
tell the truth, bitch!!!
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demanded to [be told]
would you like me to open the door
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offered to
I ll definitely be here
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promised to (be early)
No, i wont lend you any money
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she refused to
hand over ur money or i ll shoot you
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she threatened to (shoot)
I saw him steal the car
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claimed to have seen him stealing
poradziła mi aby
you should see a doctor
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she advised me to
you can borów my car
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she allowed me to
please turned the light off
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she asked me to
please please stop shouting so loudly
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she begged me to
leave the room
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she commanded us to
Go ahead drive the car
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encouraged me to
you must not arrive late tonight
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zaprosiła kogoś
would you like to come out to donner with me
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invited me to go
close the doors immediately
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ordered me to close
you may leave now
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permitted me to leave
dont forget to water the plants
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she reminded me to
try to be punctual
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urged me to
dont go near the edge
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she warned me to study
Id like u to study harder
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oskarżyła mnie
you stole my vape
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accused me of + gerund
przeprosiła za
im sorry for stole ur vape
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she apologized me for
chwalił się byciem
I m more pretty than u
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boasted about being
Yes, i kill old taylor swift
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admitted (to) killing
poskarżył się Poppy
You allways so iconic, Poppy
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complained to Poppy about
zaprzeczyła winie
No i didnt breaking the window
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denied breaking/ having breaking
nalegał, żebym wziął
you must take all the medicine
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insisted on me taking
leta go out on ciggarette breake
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suggested going
zgodziła się że
Yes its great woman and real queen
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she agreed that
chwalił się, że jest prawdziwy
im the real warszawianin
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boasted that he was the real
twierdziła, że wie
I know what does Berta and Laurence do before marriage
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she claimed that she knew
żaliła się
U never help me
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she complained
on zaprzeczył ze
I never date man, because Im stright
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he denied that
zawołał że, wykrzyknął ze
Its a success of polish football team😭😭😭😭
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exclaimed that
tłumaczył ze
its difficult theory to follow
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explained that
poinformował kogoś
your application is under review
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informed sb that
obiecał że
I wont forget again, biotch
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promised that
zasugerował że
you ought to help her out
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suggest that
wyjaśnił mi jak
thats how I destroy my make up
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explained me how

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