Spices in French

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épices (f.pl.)
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sucre (m.)
brown sugar
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cassonade (f.)
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basilic (m.)
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thym (m.)
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poivre (m.)
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sel (m.)
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chili (m.)
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cannelle (f.)
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gingembre (m.)
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coriandre (f.)
bay leaf
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feuille de laurier (f.)
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menthe (f.)
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origan (m.)
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vanille (d.)
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quatre-épices (m.)
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marjolaine (f.)
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curcuma (m.)
cumin seeds
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cumin (m.)
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aneth (m.)
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noix de muscade (f.)
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estragon (m.)
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ail (m.)
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persil (m.)
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safran (m.)

Spices in French

Learn the basic vocabulary in French and start with Spices! Do you know the spelling of Spices in French too? You will get the answer in our lesson Spices in French and get to know many other flashcardsin French language! You will also have an opportunity to master your French pronunciation with audio recordings of the French words! The beauty of language learning is that you never know when you are going to need this word that you have at the tip of your tongue! Learn Spices in French and never forget it again nor let it stay at the tip of your tongue!

Reasons to master French

It is proven that studying a foreign language makes you smarter! Apparently, it activates areas responsible for memory in your brain! Moreover speaking French language will allow you to travel more freely, get to know new people and have a new entry in your CV! Are you still not persuaded? Well, probably you are not a lover of challenges ...! Speaking a new language is not so common. You could reach a admirable result "almost" alone! Do you think you can master a new foreign language with us? Give us (and give yourself) the possibility!

How to learn French for good

Our flashcards make everything simple: you see a picture of the word, together with a French translation, and remember it! Then, you hear the French pronunciation of the word and voilà your French language vocabulary starts expanding. Just 5 minutes of daily effort is enough to remember Spices in French for good!

Learn French fast and efficiently!

If you feel shy while speaking French language, you might want to take a look at our resources and gain the confidence by studying French daily!

Other Flashcards on French that might interest you!

Have you already taken a look at our French language courses? If you liked this lesson, you might want to try our professional flashcards sets designed by linguists! If you liked our lesson Spices in French, we are pretty sure you can benefit from the other ones too. Don't forget to check our other lessons on French language.

Study 5 minutes a day and remember up to 90% of the studied vocabulary.

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