Sprawdzian 6B

 0    26 schede    karolpadlokarol253
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Domanda English Risposta English
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relative who lived long time ago
lucid dream
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a dream in which we are aware that we are dreaming
to wander
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to walk slowly
dealing with
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taking action to solve
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very funny
to dangle
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to hang freely
to mamble
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to say sth quietly without opening the mouth properly
to bury
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to put dead body in the ground
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easy to remember
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the ability to remember
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sth completely ridiculous
to put out
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to make upset
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not under control
riot running
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behaving in a wild way without any control
to look forward to
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to cannot wait for something
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sudden expression of strong feeling
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funny really enjoyable
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sth you put into your ear to block sounds
to be a guinea pig
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to be someone who is testing sth for the first time
fast asleep
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a person who sleeps really hard
to refuse
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to say no
to oversleep
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to sleep longer than you intended
sleeping pills
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pills that help to fall asleep
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short sleep during the day
to yawn
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to open the mouth wide and take a lot of air into the lungs
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a flat bag filled with feathers used to cover body during sleep

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Sprawdzian 6A

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