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to have an issue with sb
He seems to have an issue with me
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mieć problem z kimś
That's why he contradicts you.
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clash on
We clash on almost every subject.
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zderzyć się (spierać się)
to back down
He never backs down
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wycofywać się
picks a fight
But he picks a fight with me every time I see him.
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wybiera bójkę
But promise me you'll intervene if he starts a fight!
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Ale obiecaj mi, że zainterweniujesz, jeśli zacznie bójkę!
underlying issue
There's no underlying issue there.
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podstawowy problem
see eye to eye
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zobaczyć oko w oko
gang up on somebody
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zmawiać się przeciwko komuś
find compromise
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znaleźć kompromis

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