Stage 11 Lesson 168 part2

 0    29 schede    iwanjoanna39
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go off
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Are most police officers in your country armed or unarmed?
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Most police officers in my country are armed
If you heard a gun go off in the street and then saw the gunman running past you, would you go after him?
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No, If I heard a gun go off in the street and then saw tha gunman running past me I wouldn't go after him
Why (go after gunman)
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Because I'd stand no chance against armed and perhaps desperate criminal
at a time
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na czas
Do you find that troubles seldom come to you one at a time but threes and fours?
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Czy uważasz, że problemy rzadko przychodzą do ciebie pojedynczo, ale trójki i czwórki? Yes, I find that troubles seldom come to me one at a time but in threes and fours
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Is the moon often visible during the day?
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No, the moon isn't often visible during the day
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zgodny z prawem
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niezgodny z prawem
Can you think of anything which is quite lawful, but which you think should be made unlawful?
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Yes, I can think of something which is quite lawful but which I think should be made unlawful
What (should be unlawful)
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I think that driving on motrcycle during the night should be made unlawful
hand in
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How do you feel when you hand in your papers at the end of an exam?
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When I hand my papers at the end of an exam, I feel relieved it's all over
What do we mean when we say that someone hands in their notice?
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że ktoś składa wypowiedzenie? When we say ..., we mean that they inform their employer that they are going to leave their job
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hang out
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spędzać wolny czas
hang around
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obijać się, kręcić się pod klasą
Where do youngsters often choose to hang out when they're not at school?
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Youngsters often choose to hang out in the shoping center when they're not at school
Do students at this school sometimes hang around after class to speak to their teacher?
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Yes, students sometimes hang around after class to speak to their teacher
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How does a doctor obtain a small sample of blood from their patient
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A doctor obtain a small sample of blood by pricking the end of the patient's finger with a needle
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in ink
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Why are candidates in an exam usually asked to write in ink rather then in pencil?
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Candidates in an exam... to make it easier for examiners to read, so that what they write is permament and can't be changed later

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