Stage 11 Lesson 168 part3

 0    25 schede    iwanjoanna39
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keep off
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nie podchodzić
What does a notice saying Keep off the grass mean?
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A notice saying Keep off the grass means don't walk on the grass
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czołg, zbiornik
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przelewać się
When did military tanks first appear in battle?
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Military tanks first appear in battle during the First World War
What would happen if the volume of water poured into a water tank was too great?
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wody wlanej do zbiornika była zbyt duża? If..., the tank would overflow
If an author you liked a lot wrote a story so long that it had to be published in two or even three volumes, would that put you off reading it?
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No, if an author I liked a lot wrote a story so long that it had to be published in two or even three volumes, it wouldn't put me off reading it
What's the danger of regularly listening to music at high volume on earphones or headphones?
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The danger of regularly listening to music at high voume on earphones or headphones is that one can damage one's hearing
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What's the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan?
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The difference..., a vegetarian chooses not to eat meat or fish, whereas a vegan also chooses not to eat anything else that comes from an animal, such as eggs, dairy products, etc.
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zakres, stopień
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If you give someone your opinion on something and they say "I agree with you to an extent", what do they mean?
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If I give someone my opinion..., they mean they agree with me partly but not completely
Is your mood dictated by the weather to some extent?
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Czy Twój nastrój jest w jakimś stopniu podyktowany pogodą? Yes, my mood's dictated by the weather to some extent
Name a common drink that contains bubbles
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Pepsi is a common drink that contains bubbles
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zwiększać, pobudzać
What do you eat when you need a quick energy boost between meals?
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When I need a quick energy boost between meals I eat chocolate
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Is there a strong sense of community among the residents of the area where you live?
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No, there isn't a strong sense of community among the residents of the area where I live
What do we mean by folk music?
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By folk music we mean the traditional music of particular community
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What are the three forms of weep?
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The three forms of weep are weep, wept, wept
Do people often weep at the funeral of someone they were very close to?
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Yes, people often weep at the funeral of someone they were very close to
as for
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Jeśli chodzi o
Give me an example of as for
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Sandra thought the film was a bit of a drag. As for me, I loved every second of it.

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