Stage 11 Lesson 170 part2

 0    23 schede    iwanjoanna39
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Can you tell me a well - known quote from a famous historical figure?
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Yes I can tell you a well known quote form a famous figure
What is it?
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I think therefore I am (Cogito ergo sum) Kartezjusz
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in danger
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w niebezpieczeństwie
out of danger
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Poza zagrożeniem
What's a rowing boat in danger of doing if it starts to leak badly?
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A rowing boat's in danger of sinking if it stars to leak badly
rowing boat
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łódź wiosłowa
How do people feel when, after having been in danger for a time, they finally find themselves out of danger?
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People feel relieved when, after having been in danger for a time, they finally find themselves out of danger
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wyobrażać sobie
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from now
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od teraz
Are your memories of early childhood mainly visual, or can you recollect actual conversations you had with people?
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My memories of earlychildhood are mainly visual, I can't recollect actual conversations I've had with people
Do you visualize the world fifty years from now as being very different?
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Yes, I visualize the world fifty years from now as being very different
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drenaż, odporwadzenie
If a drain outside your house was blocked what would you do?
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If a drain outside my house was blocked I'd wait until it will be unblocked because I live in a 7th floor
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Has anyone in your family established their own company?
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Yes, there are some people in my family who established their own company
Tell me two meanings of the word cabin
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Two meanings of the word cabin are a small simple house made of wood and the part of an aircraft where the passengers sit
And what do we call the part of a plane where the pilot sits
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We call the part of a plane where the pilot sits the cocpit
When on board a plane, do you pay attention when members of the cabin crew explain emergency procedured before take off?
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Yes, when on board a plane I pay attention when members of the cabin crew explain emergency procedures before take off
by post
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What kind of things are usually delivered by post?
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The kind of things that are usually delivered by post are cards, bills, packages

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