Stage 11 Lesson 174 part3

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a handful
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If invitations to a social event were sent to numerous guests but only a handful of them turned up, how would the host feel?
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If invitations to a social event were sent to numerous guests but only a handful of them turned up, the host would feel disappointed and sad
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Why is it that children rarely appreciate sacrifices their parents make for them?
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Children rarely appreciate the sacrifices their parents make for them because children are too young to comprehend how the world functions, especially as regards money
On a computer keyboard, what's the main function of the shift key?
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On a computer keyboard, the main function of the shift key is to allow the user to type capital letters
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commit to
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zobowiązać się do
Why is it so rare for countries to attempt to expand their frontiers these days?
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It's so rare for countries to attempt to expand their frontiers these days because almost all countries are committed to international agreements not to do so
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Would a police dog be able to detect the presence of a human in a building using just its sense of smell?
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Yes, a police dog would be able to detect the presence of a human in a building using just its sense of smell
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Why is a laptop called a laptop?
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A lalptop is called a laptop because it's possible to rest it on your lap while you're using it
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Is Britain connected to the mainland of Europe by a tunnel or a bridge?
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Britain is connected to mainland of Europe by a tunnel
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oddalony / oddalona
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Have you ever spent a holiday in a very remote location?
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No, I've never spent a holiday in a very remote location
What's a remote control?
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A remote control is a device that sends out an electronic signal to operate a piece of equipment such as a TV
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Do you have any objection to people smoking in their own homes?
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No, I don't have any objection to people smoking in their own house
drop off
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zasypiać, podwieźć
When you were at primary school, did your parents normally drop you off in the morning?
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Yes, when I was at primary school my parents normally drop me off in the morning
Why do people sometimes drop off while they're watching TV in the evening?
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People sometimes drop off while they're watching TV in the evening because the're tired after a long day at work
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zobowiązać się, podjąć się
Give me an example of the verb undertake
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William has agreed to undertake responsibility for the development of all our new products from now on
be well off
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być bogatym
get carried away
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dać się ponieść
I'm all set
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jestem przygotowany
make a point of doing sth
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zrobić coś oscentacyjnie
get this straight
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do sedna
down to earth person
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przyziemna osoba
take sth at face value
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zakładac prawdziwość czegoś
get round
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zabrać się za zrobienie
stand in for me
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zastąpić mnie

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