Stage 11 Lesson 175 part2

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pull up
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zatrzymać się
pull over
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zatrzymać się na poboczu
In reference to driving, what's the difference between pull up and pull over?
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In reference to driving the difference between pull up and pull over is that pull up simply means stop, whereas pull over means move to the side of the road and then stop
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Who's the most humorous person you know?
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The most humorous person I know is my workmate
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odcisk palca
look into
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What do you think is the key to a successful friendship?
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I think the key to a successful friendship is to be honest, loyal and helpful
When the police are looking into a murder why are fingerprints found at the scene of the crime often key to the success of the investigation?
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When the police ... are often key to success of the investigation because no two people have the same fingerprints, which means they can be used as evidence that someone was present at the scene of a crime
out of reach
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poza zasięgiem
in reach (within reach)
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w zasięgu (w zasięgu)
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Why is it advisable in the home to keep fragile objects like china vases out of reach of small children?
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It is advisable in the home to keep fragile objects like china vases out of reach of small chldren because they might knock them over and smash them
What's the opposite of out of reach?
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The opposite of out of reach is in reach or within reach
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nadwyręzać się
What's the best way to recover from an illness?
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The best way to recover from an illness is to relax, not strain oneself in any way, take some mild exercise
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play away
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play at home
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grać w domu
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Why is it that a football team playing at home usually scores more goals then when playing away?
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The reason a football team playing at home usually scores more goals then when playing away is that the players are surrounded by their home fans, who encourage them by cheering
How many points does one need to score to win a game of table tennis?
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One needs to score 11 or 21 points to win a game of table tennis
set off
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set out
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stoisko, zgasnąc
After setting off on a journey, what sort of things do people often realize they've forgotten to take with them?
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After setting off on a journey people often realize they've forgotten to take their money, passport, key
Why should a market trader take care to set out his goods attractively on his stall?
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A market trader should take care to set out his goods attractively on his stall to make them look better and therefore attract more customers
What's another meaning of the word stall?
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Another meaning of the word stall is when an engine fails to keep going
Give me an example (stall)
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The car stalled and wouldn't start again, so we go out and pushed
wipe out
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usunąć, zniszczyć
Does a major earthquake have the power to wipe out on entire town?
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Yes, a major earthquake have the power to wipe out an entire town
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Make a sentence with the word awfully with the meaning of very
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I was awafully glad when I was told the party was going to go ahead after all

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