Stages of construction

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Domanda Risposta
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architektura krajobrazu
foundation work
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prace fundamentowe
construction plans and drawing
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plany budowlane i rysunki
closeout and handover
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zamknięcie i przekazanie
framing and walls
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ramy i ściany
site preparation
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przygotowanie strony
getting necessary building permits
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uzyskanie niezbędnych pozwoleń na budowę
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framings and walls
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obramowania i ściany
fitting doors and windows
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montaż drzwi i okien
instalation of utility system
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instalacja systemu narzędziowego
ceramic tiles
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płytki ceramiczne
pouring the foundarions (slabs or footers)
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wylewanie fundamentów (płyt lub stopek)
HVAC (Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning)
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HVAC (ogrzewanie wentylacja i klimatyzacja)
soil excavation
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wykopy z gleby
electrical system
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Układ elektryczny
marking the layout (footprint) of the building
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oznaczenie układu (powierzchni) budynku
balloon framing
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oprawianie balonów
soil compacting
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zagęszczanie gleby
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instalacja wodociągowa
metal sheet
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roof covering
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pokrycie dachu
demolishion of old buildings
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wyburzanie starych budynków
gas systems
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instalacje gazowe
clearing vegetation
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oczyszczanie roślinności
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load-bearing walls
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ściany nośne

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