still yet already

 0    10 schede    lux0302
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loro stanno ancora spettando bill. Lui non è ancora venuto
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They are still waiting for bill. He hasn't arrived yet
cosa farai questa sera? non lo so ancora
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what are you doing this evening? I don't know yet
hai gia finito con il giornale? no, lo sto ancora leggendo.
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have you finished with the newspaper yet? no, I'm still reading it
lui non è ancora andato. lui è ancora qui
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he hasn't gone yet. He is still here
non ho ancora finito di mangiare. Sto ancora mangiando
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I haven't finished eating yet. I'm still eating
ho gia visto quel film
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I have already seen that film
sai gia dove andrai?
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do you know where you are going yet?
ho gia pagato il conto
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I have already payd the bill
io lo sa gia
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I already knows
helen è gia arrivata?
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has helen arrived yet?

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