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stop eating
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cut out (C1)
to only talk about the most important or interesting details
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to cut a long story short (C1)
stop (someone) from finishing what they are saying or doing
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cut (someone) short (C2)
different route or direction that saves time
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shortcut (B2)
don't waste time, just get to the important bit
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cut to the chase (C2)
making a tree fall to the ground by cutting it near the base
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cutting down (A2)
people whose job is to cut down trees
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woodcutters (B2)
use a sharp tool to separate something into pieces
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cut (someone/something) up (B1)
reduction in money available to spend
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cutbacks (C2)
trying to find
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looking for (A1)
appears intelligent and/or handsome
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has the looks (C2)
the appearance of
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the look of (B2)
has a particular opinion
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looks on (C1)
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looks like (B1)
planning to
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looking to (C2)
appears to be
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looks as if (B2)
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looks over (C2)
believe that someone is less important than you
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look down on (B2)
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look up (C1)
be excited and happy about a future event
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look forward to (C2)
give support to; defend
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stand up for (B2)
strongly dislike
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can't stand (B1)
have little possibility of success
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don't stand a chance (C2)
represents an idea or priniciple
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stand for (C2)
be in a situation where you may lose an advantage
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stands to lose (C2)
refuse to accept or allow a situation
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won't stand for (C1)
be noticeably better than other people
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stand out (B2)
supports someone in a difficult situation
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stands by (B2)
remains; exists in a place
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stands (C1)
making him very annoyed
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driving him around the bend (C2)
begins to accept something previously rejected
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comes round (C2)
moving in a circular direction
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round and round (B2)
all day and all night
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round the clock (C1)
on all sides (of something)
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round (A2)
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goes round to (A2)
more or less; sort of
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in a roundabout kind of way (C2)
finish; complete (something)
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round off (B2)
talk to someone to find out their thoughts and ideas
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sound out (B2)
basing your ideas on information you have heard or read
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by the sound of it (C2)
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sounds (B2)
is unhappy about a situation he has heard about
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doesn't like the sound of [something] (C1)
nobody has seen or heard from [someone]
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not a sight or sound of [someone] (C2)
seems unusual
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sounds strange (A2)
something that can be heard
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sound (A2)
appears to be true, based on what you have heard
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sounds as though (B1)
(also) appears to be true, based on what you have heard
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sounds like (B1)
tells someone about something bad
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breaks the news (C2)
end a relationship
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break off (B2)
enters a place by force
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breaks into (B1)
end a relationship
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break up (B1)
gets upset; starts to cry
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breaks down (B1)
not do something she had agreed to do
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break her promise (B2)
separating into smaller pieces
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breaking (A2)
makes her feel extremely sad
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breaks her heart (B2)
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makes (A1)
has become well
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has made a name for himself (C2)
known for something
causes something to happen
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makes (B1)
to cause a bad situation to get even worse
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to make matters worse (B2)
moves towards
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makes for (B2)
begins to do something
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makes a start (C2)
causes him to be very angry
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makes his blood boil (C2)
finally decides
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makes up his mind (B1)
understand the meaning of
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make of (C2)
finds spare time to do something
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makes time (C1)
suddenly become worse
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take a turn for the worse (C2)
is discovered to be
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turns out (B2)
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turns a blind eye (C1)
changing direction
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turning (A1)
travel in the direction they came from
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turn back (B2)
outcome of a situation
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turn of events (C2)
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turn up (B2)
changes; becomes
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turns into (B1)
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stick up for (C2)
goes into
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sticks (B2)
stay close to
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stick with (B2)
continue to support
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stick by (C2)
a long, thin piece of wood
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stick (B1)
unable to move
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stuck (B2)
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can't stick (C1)
become attached
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stick (B2)
support each other
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stick together (B2)

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