Structure of the Human Eye

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Domanda English Risposta English
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the white outer layer of the eyeball
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the transparent layer forming the front of the eyeball
Lacrimal Glands
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secretes the aqueous layer of the tear film
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a melanin-filled, flat and circular surface
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An opening of the iris
Aqueous Humour
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a clear fluid that fills the space between the lens and the cornea
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focuses rays that pass through the retina
Ciliary Muscles
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connects the iris to the choroid
Vitreous Humour
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a transparent jelly-like tissue filling the eyeball behind the lens
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very sensitive to light, triggers nerve impulses to send to the brain and form images
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the vascular, pigmented layer between the reina and the scleara
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where the keenist vision of the eye is, yellowish, surrounds the fovea
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a deepset part of the eye
Optic Disk
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where no receptors are so it's a blind spot
Blind Spot
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where someone's view is blocked
Optic Nerve
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transmitting impulses from the brain to the back of the eye

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