Taking a photo - Settings, Modes, Techniques

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term that says how much of the image is in focus
We distinguish shallow and large ________.
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depth of field
Shallow depth of field is often used for portraits, where you want the background to be blurred. Large depth of field is usually used for landscape photography.
We distinguish shallow and large depth of field.
camera setting mode where you can choose shutter speed
In _________ mode can the user set the shutter speed as desired, but the aperture changes automatically.
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shutter priority
aperture priority mode is usually marked as S or Tv
In shutter priority mode can the user set the shutter speed as desired, but the aperture changes automatically.
delay between the time the shutter button is pressed and the time the shutter fires
________ occurs more often when using less expensive point-and-shoot cameras.
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shutter lag
also known as lag time
Shutter lag occurs more often when using less expensive point-and-shoot cameras.
the speed at which a camera can take photos
________ stands for frames per second and is important for example for wildlife photographers.
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FPS stands for frames per second and is important for example for wildlife photographers.
time with specifically yellow/red shade light
________ is period of time when the sun is low on the horizon, so light takes on warmer shade than when it’s higher up in the sky.
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golden hour
it occurs before sunset and after sunrise and is also known as magic hour
Golden hour is period of time when the sun is low on the horizon, so light takes on warmer shade than when it’s higher up in the sky.
field of photography focused on buildings
_______ includes photos captured in both exteriors and interiors, which make the building's design unique.
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architectural photography
Architectural photography includes photos captured in both exteriors and interiors, which make the building's design unique.
rule based on our system of reading text
________ rule is based on the theory that we look at a photo the same way as we approach text.
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left to right rule
Left to right rule is based on the theory that we look at a photo the same way as we approach text.
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"Termini della fotografia"
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