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They won't try it if it's hot.
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No lo probarán si está caliente.
They won't try it if it's hot.
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No lo probarán si está caliente.
They won't try it if it's hot.
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No lo probarán si está caliente.
There are very few days like today.
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Hay muy pocos días como hoy.
It's incredible, I can't believe it.
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Es increíble, no me lo puedo creer.
What'll he do if we accuse him?.
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¿Qué hará él si lo acusamos?.
Leave that to me.
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Déjame eso a mí.
I know what I'm doing.
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Sé lo que hago.
I met her on a trip to London.
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La conocí en un viaje a Londres.
I met her on a trip to Lisbon.
Lisbon. (capital city of Portugal).
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La conocí en un viaje a Lisboa.
I met her on a trip to Morocco.
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La conocí en un viaje a Marruecos.
What were you doing on a trip to Lisbon?.
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¿Qué hacías en un viaje a Lisboa?.
What were you doing on a trip to England?.
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¿Qué hacías en un viaje a Inglaterra?.
What were you doing on a trip to Morocco?.
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¿Qué hacías en un viaje a Marruecos?.
I wanted to improve my English.
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Yo quería mejorar mi inglés.
Did she succeed?.
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¿Ella Tuvo éxito?.
Did he succeed?.
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¿el tuvo éxito?.
Did they succeed?.
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¿Tuvieron éxito?.
Did your brother succeed?.
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¿Tuvo éxito tu hermano?.
Did your sister succeed?.
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¿Tuvo éxito tu hermana?.
I learned very little.
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Aprendí muy poco.
But you were there for two months!.
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¡Pero estuviste allí dos meses!.
I spent them with her.
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Los pasé con ella.
We spoke Spanish the whole time.
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Hablamos español todo el tiempo.
Did you spend all your money?.
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¿Gastaste todo tu dinero?.
Much more than you think.
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Mucho más de lo que tú crees.
They say you're quite rich.
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Dicen que eres bastante rico.
Don't trust everything you hear.
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No te fíes de todo lo que oyes.
But they're right, aren't they?.
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Pero ellos tienen razón, ¿no?.
But they're right, aren't they?. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't.
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Pero ellos tienen razón, ¿no?. Quizás sí, quizás no.
Somebody left something somewhere.
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Alguien dejó algo en alguna parte.
Nobody left anything anywhere.
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Nadie dejó nada en ninguna parte.
Nobody left anything anywhere.
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Nadie dejó nada en ninguna parte.
Nobody left anything anywhere.
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Nadie dejó nada en ninguna parte.
The party's over.
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Se acabó la fiesta.
Things are never at easy as they seem.
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Las cosas nunca son tan fáciles como parecen.
It was so bad that I left.
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Fue tan malo que me marché.
It was so bad that I left.
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Fue tan malo que me marché.
It was so bad that I left.
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Fue tan malo que me marché.
It was so bad that I left.
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Fue tan malo que me marché.
It was so bad that I left.
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Fue tan malo que me marché.
He's a lot taller than you think.
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Él es mucho más alto de lo que crees.
I'm stronger than the strongest man in the world.
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Soy mas fuerte que el hombre más fuerte del mundo.
They were so good that I ate three.
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Estaban tan buenos que me comí tres.
Why did you eat so many?.
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¿Por qué comiste tantos?.
It's much worse than you think.
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Es mucho peor de lo que crees.
It's much worse than you think.
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Es mucho peor de lo que crees.
You'll have to make an effort.
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Tendrás que hacer un esfuerzo.
I'll never do it again.
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Nunca volveré a hacerlo.
You'll be here, won't you?.
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Estarás aquí, ¿no?.
It hurts much more than I thought.
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Duele mucho más de lo que pensé.
It hurts much more than I thought.
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Duele mucho más de lo que pensé.
Where does it hurt?.
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¿Donde te duele?.
Where does it hurt?.
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¿Donde te duele?.
My shoulder hurts.
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Me duele el hombro.
There will be a strike tomorrow.
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Habrá una huelga mañana.
There will be a strike tomorrow.
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Habrá una huelga mañana.
There will be at least ten girls.
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Habrá por lo menos diez chicas.
How many will there, be?.
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¿Cuántas habrá?.
How many will there, be?.
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¿Cuántas habrá?.
There will be quite a few.
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Habrá bastantes.
What do you mean by "quite a few"?.
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¿Que quieres decir con "bastantes"?.
More than you can imagine.
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Más de lo que te puedes imaginar.
When you get there, give this to him.
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Cuando llegues allí, dale esto.
I don't know why you like her so much?.
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No sé por qué ella te gusta tanto.
I don't know why you like her so much?.
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No sé por qué ella te gusta tanto.
There are a lot of girls like her.
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Hay muchas chicas como ella.
Very few are as sharp as she is.
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Muy pocas son tan agudas como ella. Muy pocas son tan perspicaces como ella. Muy pocas son tan sagaces como ella.
That's what I look for in women.
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Eso es lo que busco en las mujeres.
There are few people as rich as he is.
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Hay poca gente tan rica como él.
There are few people as rich at he is.
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Hay poca gente tan rica como él.
I'd like to have another chance.
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Me gustaría tener otra oportunidad.
We'll have to find another way
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Tendremos que encontrar otra manera.
I don't know why you like her so much?.
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No sé por qué ella te gusta tanto.
I don't know why you like him so much?.
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No sé por qué el te gusta tanto.
I’ve never dealt with such a shrewd man.
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Yo nunca he tratado con un hombre tan astuto.
I’ve never dealt with such a shrewd man.
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Yo nunca he tratado con un hombre tan astuto.
I’ve never dealt with such a shrewd woman.
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Yo nunca he tratado con una mujer tan astuta.
I’ve never dealt with such a shrewd woman.
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Yo nunca he tratado con una mujer tan astuta.
What kind of work do you do?.
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¿Qué clase de trabajo haces?.
The dog scrambled out of the door. ----- to SCRAMBLE.
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Salir en desbandada ........ El perro salió en desbandada o a toda prisa de la puerta.
scramble= salir en desbandada.
The colt scrambled out of the corral.
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El potro salió a toda prisa del corral.
Both players scrambled for the ball.
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Ambos jugadores forsejearon por el balón.
Emma cracked the eggs into the pan and scrambled them.
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Emma agrietó los huevos en el sartén y los revolvió...
Peter scrambled the text, in case the document was intercepted. ---------- to SCRAMBLE.
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CODIFICAR. --------------- Pedro codificó el texto, en caso de que el documento fuera intersectado.
Samuel scrambled across the rocks.
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Samuel gateó o trepó por las rocas.
We scrambled over the boulders.
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Trepamos sobre los peñascos.
Zerapio scrambled up the dome of the church.
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Zerapio trepó por la cúpula de la iglesia.
Lupe Oviedo’s death was hastened by alcohol abuse. ----- to HASTEN.
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Apresurarse. to cause (something) to happen more quickly, to hurry up.
Su muerte fue apresurada por el abuso del alcohol.
When she heard the baby crying, she hastened up the stairs.
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Cuando oyó el llanto del bebé, se apresuró a subir las escaleras.
to hasten = to cause (something) to happen more quickly, to hurry up.
The common thread.
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El denominador común. El hilo común.
The dog "scrambled" out of the door. ----------- to scramble.
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Salir en desbandada. salir de pedo, salir rapidamente...
The colt "scrambled" out of the corral. ----------- to scramble.
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Salir en desbandada. salir de pedo, salir rapidamente...

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