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Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank
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Alice estava começando a ficar muito cansada por estar sentada ao lado da irmã no barranco
Once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading
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Uma ou duas vezes ela espiou o livro que sua irmã estava lendo
and what is the use of a book, thought Alice, without pictures or conversations
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e para que serve um livro, pensou Alice, sem fotos ou conversas
Don't bother with that
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Não se preocupe com isso
It is not our problem, not a problem at all
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Não é nosso problema, nem um problema de fato
The honey trickled down the window ledge and onto the street below
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O mel escorreu pelo parapeito da janela e caiu na rua
The king and his minister watched as a number of flies began to land on the honey
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O rei e seu ministro perceberam quando algumas moscas começaram a ser atraídas pelo mel
Perhaps we should do something about that
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Talvez devêssemos fazer algo sobre isso
A lizard come out of the bushes and started shooting out its long tongue at the flies
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Um lagarto saiu dos arbustos e começou a atirar sua longa língua nas moscas
A barking dog began to snap at the cat, trying to bite it
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Um cachorro latindo começou atacar o gato, tentando mordê-lo
Stop swearing
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Pare de xingar
You are a wizard
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Você é um mago
invisible cloak
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capa invisível
Do you want cucumber in your hamburger?
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Você quer pepino no seu hambúrguer?
would you rather go or stay?
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você prefere ir ou ficar?
wear or dare?
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vestir ou desafio?
Swear like a trooper
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Jura como um soldado
Breastfeeding in public
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Amamentando em público
accurate forecast
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previsão precisa
Laught it off
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Ria disso
chop off/to cut off the wood
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cortar / cortar a madeira
You can’t miss it
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Não tem como se perder
My birthday is in Setember
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Meu aniversário é em Setember
I’d rather sit on the floor
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Eu prefiro sentar no chão
what time did Mary arrive at the hotel?
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a que horas chegou Mary ao hotel?
My sister arrived in Spain last night
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Minha irmã chegou na Espanha ontem à noite
lack of planning
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falta de planejamento
It depends on the weather
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Isso depende do clima
I stopped working at 7 pm
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Eu parei de trabalhar às 19h
She stood by the window and looked out at a grey wall
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Ela ficou junto à janela e olhou para uma parede cinza
Her hair fell down her back and it was almost like a coat around her
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Seu cabelo caia pelas costas e era quase como um casaco em volta dela
she went downstairs and out into the road
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ela desceu e saiu para a estrada
Jim loved his watch, but it had no chain
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Jim adorava o relógio, mas não tinha corrente
Jim looked round the room
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Jim olhou em volta da sala
When she first saw these combs in the shop window, she wanted them
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Quando ela viu esses pentes pela primeira vez na vitrine, ela os queria
I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs
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Eu vendi o relógio para conseguir o dinheiro para comprar seus pentes

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