The Battle For The Viking Gold

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The candle spluttered and sparked.
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Svíčka se roztrhla a zažehla.
the bald heads had been scrubbed clear of hair
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holohlavé hlavy byly vyčištěny od vlasů
Edwin tilted the candle
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Edwin svíčku naklonil
a fat blob of wax dropped
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padala tuková kapka vosku
lamb knucklebones
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jehněčí klouby
game of chuck-stones
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hra sklíčidla
oatmeal porridge
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ovesná kaše
Luke clutched at his mouths to smother a giggle
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Luke sevřel ústa, aby se smíchal
James glared at him
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James se na něj zadíval
evening prayers-vespers
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večerní modlitby-vespery
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the candle-shadow lines on his face were as deep as furrows on a ploughed field
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čáry stínů svíček na jeho tváři byly stejně hluboké jako rýhy na zoraném poli
the boy mumbled
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chlapec zamumlal
... Edwin said with a sniff.
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... Edwin řekl čichem.
Brother James said with a wintry smile.
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Řekl bratr James s chladným úsměvem.
Edwin squinted into the morning sun.
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Edwin zamžoural do ranního slunce.
Traders have ships as round as the moon..., they call them knorrs.
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Obchodníci mají lodě tak kulaté jako měsíc ... říkají jim knorrs.
"Weapons?" Luke squawked.
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"Zbraně?" Luke se rozmačkal.
His sandals hardly touched the turf as he raced along the cliff top to the abbey.
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Jeho sandály se téměř nedotkly trávníku, když běžel po vrcholu útesu k opatství.
But old Brother James strode across the lawn.
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Ale starý bratr James kráčel přes trávník.
The boy panted.
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Chlapec lapal po dechu.
Luke turned and sped through the abbey gate.
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Luke se otočil a prošel bránou opatství.
whale blubber
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velrybí tuk
Snorri scowled
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Snorri se zamračil
he sneered
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ušklíbl se
In his palm were five lamb knucklebones.
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V jeho dlani bylo pět jehňat knucklebones.
Luke muttered
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Zamumlal Luke
Luke wailed
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Luke kvílel
Luke groaned
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Luke zasténal
The grass was springy under their sandals.
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Tráva byla pod jejich sandály pružná.
He held a flaming log of wood that he had plucked from the kitchen fire.
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Držel hořící dřevo, které vytrhl z ohně kuchyně.
the monks peered around the church door
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mniši hleděli kolem dveří kostela
the surprised man stumbled forwards
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překvapený muž narazil dopředu
Snorri squinted hard at Brother James
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Snorri zamžoural na bratra Jamese
he dusted down his robe carefully
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opatrně oprášil roucho
he tore the dazed man's sword away
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odtrhl omámený mužský meč pryč
He is, the abbot said bustling forward.
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Je to, opat řekl, že naráží dopředu.
... go on - clear off
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... pokračuj - uklidni se

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