The Four Good Days

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być dumnym z czegoś
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to be proud of sth
I've done so many things I'm not proud of.
rzecz numer jeden
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the number one thing
zranić kogoś
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to hurt sb - hurt - hurt
grać kogoś
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to play sb
Mila Kunis plays me in Four Good Days
Gdy miałam 16 lat...
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When I was 16...
handlarz narkotyków
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a drug dealer
My doctor was my first drug dealer.
myśleć o czymś
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to think about sth - thought - thought
rodzaj leku przeciwbólowego
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heroina (narkotyk)
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heroin (drug)
być właścicielem czegoś
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to own sth
Sprzedałam wszystko, co miałam.
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I sold everything I owned.
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I just felt devastated.
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I had to get her into rehab.
jako jej mama
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as her mum
Musiałam dać jej jeszcze jedną szansę.
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As her mum I had to give her another chance.
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to die - died - died
umrzeć na coś
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to die from sth
130 Americans die every day from an opiate overdose.
środek nasenny
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Addiction is the only disease that's treated criminally instead of medically.
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to treat sth/sb
He is being treated for a rare skin disease. (NiV)
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instead of sth
You can go instead of me, if you want. (NiV)
przeżyć / dać radę
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make it
She is very sick but she will make it. (NiV) / Doctors did everything they could but she didn't make it. (NiV)
So many people don't make it.
łamać czyjeś serce
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to break sb's heart
It breaks my heart
prawda jest taka...
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the truth is...
Jesteśmy w tym razem.
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We're in this together.
We're in the struggle together.
ponownie popaść (np. w nałóg)
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to relapse
I have relapsed a few times.
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a relationship
Our mother-daughter relationship saved my life.

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