The genitive case

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Domanda English Risposta English
personal pronouns
the genitive case
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my, your, her
possessive pronouns
the genitive case
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mine, yours, hers
singular nouns and plural nouns NOT ending in -s
the genitive case
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student's, George's, fox's, children's, mice's, governments's
singular nouns ending in -s
the genitive case
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boss's, Ross's, James's
plural forms ending in -s
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add just the apostrophe, students', foxes'
classical names ending in -s
the genitive case
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Pythagoras' or Pythagoras's, Sophocles's or Sophocles's both possible
other names ending in -s
the genitive case
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Yeats' or Yeats's, Dickens' or Dickens's both possible
complex NPs - the whole phrase
the genitive case
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[Henry the Eight]'s, [Queen of England]'s
the car's engine
the genitive case
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the engine of the car
God's love
the genitive case
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love of God
a book of Tom's, a firend of mine
the genitive case
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one of many books
Great Britain has a parliament
the genitive case
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Great Britain's Parliament
The road has its side
the genitive case
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the road's side/ the side of the road
the holiday lasts three weeks
the genitive case
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three weeks holiday
the newspaper has pages
the genitive case
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newspaper's pages/ pages of the newspaper
the cleaning lasted one day
the genitive case
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one day's cleaning
the hill has it's top
the genitive case
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the top of the hill
the work lasted two month
the genitive case
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two month's work
the absence lasted twenty days
the genitive case
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twenty days absence
the tiger is hungry
the genitive case
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tiger's hunger
the table has a surface
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table's surface/ the surface of the table
One of my pupils
the genitive case - form with double genetive
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a pupil of mine
one of your children
the genitive case - form with double genetive
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a child of yours
one of your books
the genitive case - form with double genetive
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a book of yours
one of your suggestions
the genitive case - form with double genetive
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a suggestion of yours

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