The Restaurant Run by Grandmas

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mieć chętkę na coś (do jedzenia)
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to crave sth
to crave alcohol/drugs/sweet food/carbohydrates/cigarettes/coffee
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Just behind that scaffolding.
jadanie w ekskluzywnych restauracjach
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fine dining
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to employ
szef kuchni
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a chef
We don't employ chefs, we employ grandmothers.
zauważyć coś
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to notice sth
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to celebrate
świecić / błyszczeć
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to shine
It's their day to shine.
kuchnia (jedzenie)
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I love Italian cuisine.
banalny, oklepany
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I know it sounds corny, but it really was love at first sight! (NiV)
It sounds kinda corny.
gotować z miłością
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to cook with love
pogrążony w żalu / w bólu
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to pass / to pass away
I couldn't believe my friend passed (away). (NiV)
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pocieszający, podnoszący na duchu
It was comforting to have these grandmothers in the kitchen cooking.
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to pinch
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a cheek
They would pinch my cheek.
w tamtym momencie
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at that point
zdać sobie sprawę
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to realise BrE / to realize AmE
przywoływać (np. emocje, wspomnienia)
wspominać stare dobre czasy
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to evoke
It evokes a trip down memory lane. / Visiting my old school was a real trip down memory lane. (NiV)
to take a trip down memory lane

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