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yet X already
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with nouns = enough + noun / with adjectives = adjective + enough
I have enough money./ This dress isn't long enough.
using "TO" after this verbs
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decide - decidir (I decided to go). Pretend - fingir (She pretended to be busy). Promise - prometer (She promised to keep it to herself). Tend - costumar (I tend to call my friends when I need to Vent)
vent = desabafar
about weather
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it's a dull day (cloudy). ask: what's the weather like? (sempre com o like. é errado pedir how is the weather) answer: overcast (nublado) but balmy (quente agradavel, warm and pleasant) though.
scorcher = very hot day
six figure
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6 digitos
drop me a line and we'll sort something out
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drop a line = write a brief message. sort something out = organize arrange a new meeting.
leave a conversation
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1. I'm a bit pressed for time. 2. Right, I need to make a move. 3. I'm going to have to get going. 4. I don't want to hog you. (nao quero te atrapalhar, vai la falar com os outros, ja perdi o interesse). 5. I've already taken so much of your time.
I meant to... but it slipped my mind
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eu ia... mas escapou...
to level with someone
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the guy leveled with her. I'm gonna level with you. to be 100% honest.
dizer q foi muito divertido NUNCA é very fun.
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It was lots of fun / It was a lot of fun.
bucket list
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lista de desejos.
walk tipes
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SWAGGER or STRUTT = walk confident, proud. STRIDE or MARCH = walk with purpose or angry. WANDER, STROLL or AMBLE = walk with no specific direction, passeando/leisure, no hurry. SAUNTER = even more slowly walk. SLEEPWALK = sonambulo. TIPTOE = pontas do pe.
PACE = walk around nervous, quick, trying to calm down (pace up and down, pace around). LIMP = Mancar com 1 perna. HOBBLE = Mancar com as 2 pernas ou outra dor pelo corpo que impede de andar normal. STAGGER = drunk or dizzy. TRUDGE or PLOD = teimando.
can you relate to that?
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vcs tb sao assim?
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structure: explain + something + to + someone.
could you explain this to me? / I can't describe the whole situation to you now.
get - how to use
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Receive = Did you get the message? / take = she will get a taxi/ Understand = I get it! / buy = where did you get your clothes from? / Arrive = when did she get there?
sink - sank - sunk
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afundado, mergulhar, cair, molar, estragar. experiencing serious problems/troubles.
student numbers have sunk after corona. this rain could sink ou plans for the barbecue. enemy aircraft sank two battleships. if I had to pay the debt, I'd be sunk.
worker average pay ratio
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proporcao de salario medio do trabalhador.
average = media, taxa, avaria, rateio. ratio = relacao, razao, proporcao
put off
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let's put off our meeting until friday?
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don't use "about" after discuss... You can talk about the project, but you discuss the project (no about)
performance review rating
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revisao da avaliacao de desempenho.
rating = avaliacao, classificacao, valor, preco, estimativa.
First conditional X Second Conditional
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1st: future possibility (if + present simple + will). 2nd: present unreal (if + simple past + would).
1st: If I buy a car, I'll have to borrow money. (quem sabe eu compre, entao terei q pegar emprestimo) 2nd: If I bought a car, I'd have to borrow money. (nao tem chance de eu comprar, eu seria louca, e ainda teria q pegar emprestimo).
If I was - posso usar se e possivel que ... If I was late (posso me atrasar) X If I were: se nao eh possivel ... I.e. if I were a Boy (nunca vou ser boy)
Gerund after "To"?
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When you can replace it for "it", or a noun, then you have a gerund.
I am close to ... it (to leaving). I'm looking forward to ... it (seeing you). I'm getting used to ... it (living here). when it comes to... it (cooking). I would like to... it? no - I would like to do it... I'm committed to ... it/my job (working hard).
for example
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for instance, to illustrate, to vindicate
I have or I've got para posse de algo
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eu tenho um carro = I have a car / I have got a car -> sao sinonimos. I got a car -> eh somente para fala e eh beeeem informal (mas esse "Got" nao eh do verbo To GET, onde seria = I got a car last month e o significado é = eu comprei um carro mes passado)
very honest
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straight forward
he is very honest toward his owner. He is straight forward toward his owner.
accosted and scrambled
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"I got accosted by Bono in a dressing gown with two beers under his arm, eating scrambled eggs, listening to opera" - Noel Gallagher
although X even though X though X despite x in spite of
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apesar de, embora, mesmo que. Though no final da frase = but, however. Spite of e despite tb significam regardless of. Nunca usar "that" apos despite ou in spite of, usar: despite the fact that... in spite of the fact that...)
although/even though = although we are not good friends, I like him. Despite/in spite of = Despite the rain, he came. Though it rained, he came. It rained - He came though. In spite being tired, he kept working. Although he was tired, he kept working.
order of adjectives
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1. Determiner (a, an, the, this, that, these, those) --> 2. Opinion (great, pretty, silly, lovely, difficult, horrible) --> 3. Size (huge, big, large, tiny, enormous, little) --> 4. Age (ancient, old, new, young, elder) -->
5. Shape (square, round, flat, rectangular, triangular) --> 6. Color (yellow, black) --> 7. Origin (indian, french) --> 8. Material (wooden, leather) --> 9. Purpose (cooking, washing, writing) --> NOUN (table, dish, mug, box, sofa...)
raise X rise
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both refer to something going up, but Raise: you are raising something, need someone or something else doing a movement. (raise - raised - raised) / Rise: goes up or increases itself. (rise - rose - risen --> ler rizen)
I raise my eyebrows when I smile. The government plan to raise taxes. / The sun rises over the see.
been X gpne
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been: you were there and returned. gone: you were there and don't returned.
she's been to Paris (but she is back now). She's gone to Paris (she is there yet).

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