to the lighthouse 2

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Domanda English Risposta English
Pol. szelest.
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dresses rustling
(of landscape, appearance, beauty, conditions) bare, simple, esp. without decoration or anything which is not necessary; severe or extreme
Pol. surowy.
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he appeared the image of stark
Pol. surowość, srogość
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uncompromising severity
physically violent and frightening, or strong and powerful, or showing strong feeling, or energetic activity.
Pol. dziki, gwałtowny, groźny, straszliwy.
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his fierce blue eyes
perfect; not damaged by any faults or bad parts.
Pol. nienaganny, wzorowy.
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impeccably candid and pure
truthful and honest, esp. about something difficult or painful
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impeccably candid and pure
to bring your eyebrows together so that there are lines on your face above your eyes to show that you are annoyed or worried
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frowning slightly at the sight of human frailty
Pol. słabość, słabowitość.
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human frailty
Human imperfection.
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human frailty
Pol. gronostaj.
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ermine on the Bench
In a court of law, _________ refers to the judge or judges, or to the place where they sit.
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the bench
ermine on the Bench
relentless; unyielding; Pol. poważny. If sth, such as a job, is _____, it is difficult.
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directing a stern enterprise
important because of effects on future events. Of great significance.
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a momentous enterprise
a project or undertaking, esp. one that requires boldness or effort.
Pol. przedsięwzięcie, projekt.
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directing an enterprise
to make a long, deep cut in something, especially the skin on a part of the body:
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he would gash a hole in his father's breast and killed him
to disappoint someone by telling them the unpleasant truth about something or someone that they had a good opinion of or respected:
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he was grinning sarcastically with the pleasure of disillusioning his son
the state of being too proud of yourself and your actions:
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some secret conceit at his own accuracy of judgement
to touch or make changes to something when you should not, especially when this is illegal:
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never tampered with a fact
the reproductive organs
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all of his own children sprung from his loins
weak or unhealthy, or easily damaged, broken, or harmed:
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our frail barks founder in darkness
(especially of a boat) to fill with water and sink:
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our frail barks founder in darkness
to suffer something difficult, unpleasant, or painful:
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one needs, above all, courage, truth, and the power to endure.

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