TOEFL - Most important words 76 - 100

2  1    25 schede    VocApp
Domanda English Risposta English
extremely unfortunate or unsuccessful
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Their words had catastrophic consequences.
a severe snowstorm with high winds and low visibility
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The blizzard stopped us from going to the theatre.
to persuade someone to act into someone's favour dishonestly, usually through the use of money
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She got arrested for trying to bribe the policeman.
a source of help or encouragement
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The new advertising campaign boosted our sales.
a line that marks a limit of an area
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The boundary was protected by the army.
someone who suddenly changes their mood
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She was cute and capricious at the same time.
to express disapproval for something, to the extent that it becomes forbidden
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The candidate's speech was censored.
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