Tom and Prince Edward

 0    11 schede    Mother knows best
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Domanda English Risposta English
Tom Canty was a poor boy.
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His clothes were old and dirty.
He didn't haver enough food
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but he could read and write.
And he wanted to get a good job
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to buy a house, clothes and food.
One day Tom saw Prince Edward.
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They looked the same.
They had the same eyes, the same hair and the same faces.
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But they had different clothes and different lives.
Edward had lots of money, lots of food, lots of clothes and jewelry.
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Tom had nothing
but he could play with his friends
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and meet interesting people.
Edward wanted to be like Tom
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and Tom wanted to be like Edward.
So they swapped the clothes.
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Edward left the palace and Tom stayed in the palace.
Edward didn't like his new family and ran away.
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He had lots of adventures.
He didn't like life outside the palace
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and wanted to be a good king.

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