Unit 1n2

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Domanda English Risposta English
in sb's hands
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being taken care of or controlled by sb
make no bones about sth
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to be honest and open about sth; to not hesitate to do sth
(be) a bone of contention
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a subject which causes disagreement and arguments between people
(be) close at hand
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near; in a place where sb/sth can be reached easily
jump out of one's skin
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to move violently because of a sudden shock
(be) (all) skin and bones
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extremely thin in a way that is not attractive or healthy
save your skin
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to try to avoid death, punishment, etc. in an extremely difficult situation
go hand in hand
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to be closely connected such that one thing causes the other
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a connection or relationship between people or organizations
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the state of being alone or lonely
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the quality of being faithful in your support of sb/sth
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a strong feeling of affection for sb/sth
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a friendly relationship in which people understand each other very well
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failure to give a person or an animal enough care or affection
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the act of putting sb in a position in which they have no power
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the feeling of being no longer satisfied with your situation, organization, belief, etc. and therefore not loyal to it
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the practice of representing objects, qualities, etc. as humans, in art or literature
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the fact of doing or saying the same thing many times
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a phrase that combines two words that seem to be the opposite of each other
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language that produces pictures in the minds of people reading or listening
rhetorical question
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asked only to make a statement or to produce an effect rather than to get an answer
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the person in a trial who is accused of committing a crime
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to make a statement that sth happened or that sth is true, especially as a witness in court
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to officially charge sb with a crime
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to state in court that you are guilty or not guilty of a crime
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to admit, especially formally or to the police, that you have done sth wrong or illegal
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in a dangerous position or situation and likely to be lost or harmed
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a punishment for breaking a law, rule or contract
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to officially charge sb with a crime in court
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to state formally that sb is not guilty or responsible for sth
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an official decision in court that sb is not guilty of a crime
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the act of finding sb guilty of a crime in court; the fact of having been found guilty
on the beat
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patrolling on foot in a specific area (about a police officer)
well nigh
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loyal, reliable and hardworking
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very loyal and committed in attitude
get my pile
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earn my wealth
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someone who does not live their life very adventurously
get in a groove
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become set in your ways
call time
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call an end to something
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in motion
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to a fairly large degree, especially in comparison to sth else
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quickly; after a very short time
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in a way that shows you cannot believe sth
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in an annoyed or irritated way, especially because you have to wait for a long time
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carefully, because you think there may be a danger or problem or you do not trust sb/sth
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in a way that shows that you want more money, power, food etc. than you really need
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very quickly, because you are in a hurry, especially when this has bad results

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