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break down
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to divide something such as a total amount into separateparts
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to change the way a country, organization or industry is run
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to take away the rules that control something
downsized its workforce
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to make a company or organization smaller by reducing the number ofworkers
office layout
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the way in which the different parts of something are arranged
reassess the situation
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to carefully consider a situation, person, or problem again in order to make a judgment
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to improve an area that is in bad condition by destroying or improvingold buildings and building new ones
relaunch the product
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a new attempt to sell a product, especially in a slightly different way
relocating their operations
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to move activity to a different place, or to make someone or something do this
restructure the company
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to organize something such as a company in a different way so that it will operate better
retrain all staff
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or to teach all theemployees, new skills that are needed for a job
the bottom line
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the amount of money that a business makes or loses
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someone who is the first to do something or to discover something
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an important change in a situation that causes it to improve
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to add the most recent information
upgrade the product / service
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to improve the quality of a service or product
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a reduction in the number of levels of management within anorganization
lean business
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the one that spends as little money and employs as few workers as possible so that it will make a good profit
flat structure
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with as few levels as possible
middle management
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the ones who are in charge of parts of an organization and have less authority than the most senior ones
front-line employees
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first contact staff
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giving a person or organization the legal authority to do something
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he process of buying something or obtaining it in some other way
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a situation in which one company takes control of another company bybuying a majority of its shares
intellectual property
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something that someone has created or invented and that no one else is legally allowed to make, copy, or sell
core competencies
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basic abilities

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