unit 8

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ryk deszczu
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roar rain
tupot deszczu
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patter of rain
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oburzony, feeling extreme dislike or disapproval of something
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złożyć ręce
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fold your arms
zmarszczyłam brwi
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knitted my eyebrows
zmartwiony grymas
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troubled frown
zmarszczył brwi ze zmartwioną miną
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knitted his eyebrows in a troubled frown
czuć się trochę zagubionym (niepewnym)
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feel a bit lost
jej twarz zmarszczyła się
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her face crumpled
zdruzgotany wiadomościami
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devastated by the news
nieufnie obchodzi się z psami (nervous)
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she is wary around dogs
byłem czymś skamieniały
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i was petrified of something
zaangażować się w lekcję
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engage in the lesson
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zadowolony z siebie, self-satisfied, we are hapoy that somebody else is in a worse situation
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osłupiały, very suprised
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astounded (by her reaction)
wściekły, angry
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frustrować się tym zadaniem (annoyed and impatient)
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get frustrated by the task
marszcz brwi i wzdychaj
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keep frowing and sighing
difficult to believe, przesadny, very unlikely to be true
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dziwaczna historia, strange and unusual and difficult to accept or like
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outlandish story
służba cywilna, everyone who works for government
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civil service
znak sukcesu
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mark of success
służba cywilna
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civil service
wybrać, choose
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opt for
poruszający / porywający film
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moving/ gripping movie
zagrać (main role) Brat Pitt, the main actor or performer in it
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to star Brat Pitt as
ożywczy, emocjonujący opowieść, exiting
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exhilarating story
many changes compare to the book
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take many liberties with the book; to use artistic licence with the book
making you feel great respect and admiration, and sometimes fear (story)
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an awe-inspiring story
to start to pay attention
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sit up and take notice; I’m hoping my speech will make people sit up and take notice.
nosić okulary
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wear spectacles
you have a particular opinion of them when you meet them or see them
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he comes across as...; She comes across as very self-confident.
wygląda, jakby ona
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she looks as though she
daje wrażenie bycia
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she gives the immpression of beeing
to make someone have a particular opinion or feeling
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he strikes me as beeing...; He didn’t strike me as being the jealous sort; Her comment struck me as odd. She strikes us as a very qualified candidate.
moim zdaniem
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to my mind
mocno wierzę
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i strongly believe
być może
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in all likelihood
z pewnością wygląda na to
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it certainly looks as though
bardzo się różnią
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vary a great deal
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upijanie się, za duzo ogladania tv
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binge drinking, binge-warching
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pod warunkiem = tak długo, jak; if=as long as
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provided= as long as; We're going skiing next week if/providing/provided/ as long as there's enough snow.
tak czy owak; Czy ci się to podoba, czy nie; used for saying that it is not important which of two possibilities is true
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whether or not; Whether or not you like it, I’m going out tonight. Whether he wants to or not, he'll have to clean his room.
used especially in reporting questions and expressing doubts) if, or not:
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whether; see me no more, whether he be dead or no; I wasn't sure whether you'd like it. She asked me whether I was interested in working for her.
mieć dobry sposób bycia przy łóżku pacjenta; the manner that a physician assumes toward patients
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to have a good bedside manner
struktura; a system of rules, ideas, or beliefs that is used to plan or decide something
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framework; The U.S. Constitution established a broad framework of government. Most biologists use the same basic framework for classification
w ogóle, mostly, overall; on the whole; everything considered.
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by and large; mammals have, by and large, bigger brains than reptiles
przeciwnie; wręcz przecienie
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on the contrary; derric hares M jak Milosc, on the contrary he loves it
przekroczył, overtake; be better than.
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surpassed; The book's success has surpassed everyone's expectations
również; in the same way
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likewise; Just water these plants twice a week, and likewise the ones in the bedroom.
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bieżące wydarzenia
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current affairs
to take longer than usual to leave or disappear
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linger; We went to small cafes where we could linger over cappuccino. The smell lingered in the kitchen for days.
trwająca zmiana w kierunku; change is in progress
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the ongoing shift towards
tendencja do
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tendency to

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