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ways to say "I don't know"
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COMPLETELY DUNNO = I haven't got the foggest (not the foggiest). I haven't got the faintest idea (not the faintest). I haven't got any idea (no idea). I haven't any clue (no clue). /////
Fathom = imagine and understand. /// HAVEN'T A DECISION = I'm on the fence... I haven't decide one way or the other. I'm in/of two minds... I might have to get back to you on that ...(want more time to find out = better if respond later - use In work)
NOT SURE = I'm not sure (not sure). I'm not 100% (not 100%). I'm not the best person to ask. Your guess is as good as mine! /// LESS POLITE ONES = Who knows, God knows, fuck knows! /// DON'T UNDERSTAND OR KNOW = I can't even Fathom...! It's beyond me...!
ways to say "Maybe"
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I may go/may I go (formal). Com o might = might + auxiliary verb (do, be, have), it depends on the question. "DO you wanna get ice cream? I might DO". "IS she brasilian? Might BE". "HAVE you seen this movie? Might HAVE".
never say: "maybe I go"/ "I maybe go"
might with verb = you wanna GO with me? I might GO (same as = Maybe I will go). when it's not present perfect (always might do) = "COME with me to the pub tonight? Might DO."
ways to say "maybe" part II
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Maybe yes= "Do you think we will be able to go on holiday this year? I think so/ probably/ I guess so / I suppose so / I reckon so". Maybe no = "Do you think Maria will like her birthday present? Probably not/ doubt it / I don't think so.
use "could" instead "might" when indicates possibility.
maybe 50/50 = "Do you think there IS food at this party? Could BE/ Might BE / Perhaps/ Conceivably and Perchance (more formal).
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give a new appearance hidden the true form.
his friend and manager was a snake disguise.
he disguise himself by wearing a false beard. disfarce
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solve something, to face sb/something,
tb pode ser equipamento, tomada, responder a algo, sanar, lutar contra, resolver.
the government tackled the crisis by changing economic policies
what makes you tick?
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o que te motiva?
prefer × would rather
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I prefer something in general I'd rather something now.
I prefer coffee to tea. (always). I prefer to go to work on foot. (always) / today is raining, so... I'd rather get an uber to go to work (today, cause it's raining).
amount (of)
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how many, (montante, o tanto de, o quanto, alguma 'dificuldade'), so much, a lot of, some.
you wouldn't believe the amount of trouble I've had with this car. I had a certain amount of difficulty finding the house. He paid a regular amounts of money to a charity. they didn't deliver the right amount of sand.
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having a dark, deep red colour, slightly purple colour.
you are free to fly, the crimson sky. His face was crimson with anger.

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