Vocabulary Booster # JH 01

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There was a problem with the update.
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Houve um problema com a atualização.
There was a bomb on the plane!
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Havia uma bomba no avião!
There was an error.
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Havia um erro.
The system had been developed by professor David.
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O sistema havia sido desenvolvido pelo professor David.
She had been hired as a project manager.
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Ela foi contratada como gerente de projetos.
His obedience had been tested.
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Sua obediência havia sido testada.
He was detained by the US customs.
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Ele foi detido pela alfândega dos EUA.
She was caught in the explosion.
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Ela foi pega na explosão.
It was written in the stars.
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Foi escrito nas estrelas.
They were all together in one place.
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Eles estavam todos juntos em um só lugar.
They were very poor.
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Eles eram muito pobres.
They were at the beach.
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Eles estavam na praia.
Which of them is your brother?
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Qual deles é seu irmão?
Which of them matter, and why?
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Quais deles são importantes e por quê?
Which of them is more efficient?
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Qual deles é mais eficiente?
You have to think for yourself.
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Você tem que pensar por si mesmo.
Go and see for yourself.
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Vá e veja por si mesmo.
What to expect when you work for yourself.
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O que esperar quando você trabalha para si mesmo.
I thought I was dreaming.
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Eu pensei que estava sonhando.
And you thought dragons didn’t exist...
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E você pensou que dragões não existiam...
He thought he had won.
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Ele pensou que tinha vencido.
I’m looking for a job.
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Estou à procura de trabalho.
Who are you looking for?
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Quem é que voce esta procurando?
I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.
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Ainda não encontrei o que estou procurando.
We were able to finish the project.
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Conseguimos terminar o projeto.
They were able to make accurate predictions.
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Eles foram capazes de fazer previsões precisas.
How were you able to find me?
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Como você conseguiu me encontrar?
Where do you live?
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A onde você mora?
Where do you come from?
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De onde você vem?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
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Onde você se vê daqui a 5 anos?

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