vocabulary extention system of law

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a bill
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a draft proposal of a new law, a proposal of a new law offered for debate, a proposal for a new law or a change to an existing one
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law passed by a legislative body, law and acted by lawmaking body
Act of Parliament
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law passed by a legislative body, law enacted by lawmaking body
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the formal product of a legislature or other body exercising its legislative power
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collectively laws passed by the legislative bodies
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insome conexts a synonym for the word statute, act of parliament Etc
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a rough written version of something that is not yet in its final form
to draw up, to draft
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to prepare a written document such as a list or contract
to pass a bill, to adopt a law, to enact
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to accept the proposal, law by voting
to obey
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to observe, to abide by, to adhere to; to do what someone in Authority tells you to do or what a law or rules says you must do
to set forth
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to set out, to specify, to stipulate, to lay down; to explain or state something officially
to vest
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to give someone the official right to do or own something
to vest in somebody, to vest somebody with something

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