Vocabulary & Grammar

 0    13 schede    karolinaklus
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Domanda English Risposta English
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not wanting to speak to other people
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able to do things by yourself rather than depending on other people
as a rule
I don't normally drink coffee as a rule, but I really fancy one at the moment.
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what usually happens
Mandy deserves a lot of praise for being first in her class.
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the act of expressing approval or admiration
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set of clothes that you wear together, usu. for a particular occasion or purpose
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book of instructions for how to do sth or use sth
put in
James had put in eight hours' work a day on the garden all summer, but there was still a lot to do.
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spend, e.g. time or effort on sth
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money saved or made available for a specific purpose
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flower on a tree or bush before the fruit appears
or so
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approximately, about
as regards
Our hotel in Athens is already booked. As regards travel arrangements, Jenny's looking into the possibility of early morning flights from Heathrow.
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reffering to sth (or sb), often introducing an idea in a general way before you go on to talk about it in more detail
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relaxed, not worrying about anything

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