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wpadł na pomysł
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came up with the idea
w trakcie badań
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in the course of research
być uderzonym czymś
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be struck with sth
he was struck by the contast between...
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poklocic sie z kims, poroznic sie z kims
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fell out with sb over sth
the two fell out over financial issues
pragnac cos zrobic
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long to do sth
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rozpoczynać coś, zaczac cos robic
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go ahead with something
ge ahead with the role
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get the giggles
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kiedyś / raz, pewnego razu, guy tylko
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once his play was complete...
jakość, nie ilość
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quality not quantity
zakup czegoś, nabycie czegos
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purchase sth
impostor has used people's personal details to purchase sth or give false info to the authorities
zmierzyć się z problemami
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face the problems
victims of identity theft can face financial and even legal problems in the future
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imposor had used their personal details to purchase sth
zapobiegać robieniu czegoś
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prevent from doing sth
the best way of preventing thieves from stealing your identity is to know how they operate
techniki kradzieży
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theft techniques
the most common theft techniques are eg phishing
prosić o info od kogoś
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ask for info from sb
you get en email asking for some personal data from you
wprowadzić coś do komputera/telefonu za pomocą klawiatury
to put information into a computer or phone using a keyboard or touchscreen
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Key sth in
I keyed the numer in, but nothing happened
it contains a link to a web page where you have a key in your bank username and password
używają go do kradzieży pieniędzy z twoich kont
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theh use it to steal money from your accounts
phishing cybersecurity attacked carried out over mobile phone
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you got a text message which seems to require you immediate attention ex. form your bank
natychmiastowy, asap
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oszustwo przez telefon
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an attempt to trick someone into giving information over the telephone that would allow someone else to take money from them, for example by taking money out of their bank account:
telefon stacjonarny
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landline phone
dishonet nad illegal
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legalna strona internetowa
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legitimate website
hackers break into your computer and transfer communication from legitimate website to a fake one
zaloguj się na stronie internetowej
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log onto a website
mieć dostęp do
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have access to
they will have access to plenty of details
is a type of software used on the internet to gather information about a person or organisation without their consent
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przekopywanie kosza na śmieci
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digging through your dustbin
dochodzić do skutku, przebrnąć, przejść
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go through
pozbyć się czegoś
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dispose of sth
make sure you completely destroy your old credit cards when it's time to dispose of them
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you should put old documents through a shredder or burn them before you throw them out
budzic watpliwosci (idiom)
open to doubt
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raise a red flag
nie wahaj się coś zrobić
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don't hesitate to do something
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it seems to be suspectious
podejrzewać kogoś o coś
noun and verb
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suspect somebody of something
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środek ostrożności
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mój przyjaciel
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friend of mine
that was sth that happened to a friend of mine
podszedł do mnie
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came up to me
this guy came up to him and told him to give him all his money, which he did
zapytał o coś
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asked an for sth
odmówić zrobienia czegoś
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refuse to do sth
he refused to give it to him
wyciąga nóż
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he gets out a knife
dźgnął go nożem
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he stab him with a knife
Do czasu
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by the time
by the time my friend got to hospital...
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he was bleeding
he was bleeding very heavily
lepiej nie próbować być odważnym, jeśli coś takiego ci się przydarzy
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it's better not to try be brave if sth like that happens to you
kiedy jestem za granicą
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when I'm abroad
wyglądać jak turysta
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look like a tourist
ktoś ukradł mój portfel
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someone have my wallet stolen
tym ostatnim razem byłem na bardzo turystycznej ulicy w centrum miasta
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that last time, I was in a very touristy street in a centre of town
Nie mialem zbyt duzo w portfelu
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I wasn't caring much in my wallet
wyjąć z
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take out of
I always take out my wallet and leave them in a hotel
w ten sposób, jeśli zostanę okradziony, stracę tylko trochę pieniędzy
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that way, if I'm robbed, I only lose a bit of money
ktoś wziął moją torbę
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someone took my bag
I didn't notice that somebody took my bag
Idę prosto na policję
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I go straight to the police
ale brakowało mojej torebki i telefonu | nie znalazy sie, zaginely
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but my purse and phone were missing
złodziej próbował złapać moją torbę
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thief tried to grab my bag
nie puściła tej torby
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she didn't let go this bag
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rode off
and the two of them rode off
nikt nie miał szansy zareagować
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nobody had to chance to react
organizacja przestępcza
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criminal organisation
to stay close to sb, watching everything that they do
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breatche down sb's neck

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