what which how

 0    14 schede    lux0302
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cosa vuoi fare stanotte?
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what do you want to do tonight?
che genere di musica ti piace?
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what kind of music do you like?
a che ora ti sei alzato?
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what time did you get up?
quale treno hai preso^
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which train did you catch?
ci sono 4 ombrelli, qual'è il tuo?
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there are 4 umbrellas, what's yours?
puoi avere te o caffe, quale preferisci?
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you can have tea or coffee, which do you prefer?
qual'è il piu costoso?
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which is the most expensive?
come vai di solito al lavoro?
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how do you usually go to work?
quanto sei alto?
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how tall are you?
quanto grande e' quella casa?
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how big is that house?
quanto è lontano da qui al centro citta'?
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how far is it from here to the city center?
da quanto tempo sono sposati?
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how long have they been married?
quanto spesso prendi il bus?
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how often do you take the bus?
chi è piu vecchio?
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who is older?

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