Where is Nemo?

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Domanda English Risposta English
oh boy!
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when excited or disappointed
I can tell
I can tell he will come first!
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to know, recognize, be certain
Mówię wam, że on wygra!
to be mad at
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to be angry
to be hard/tough on sb
I was really tough on Nemo and now he is lost!
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to be really strick and demanding
bump into
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wpaść na kogoś przechodząc
The shark was ferocious!
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to blow up
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to explode
wicked dark
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very dark
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ostry jak brzytwa
make your way somewhere
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make an effort to go somewhere
a matter of
In a matter of seconds
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only, just
he will be stopped at nothing
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nic go nie powstrzyma
to make it somewhere
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to get somewhere

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