Where is the clock?

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Gdzie jest...?
Gdzie jest tablica?
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Where is...?
Where is the board?
Gdzie jest tablica?
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a board
Where is the board?
na ścianie
Tablica jest na ścianie
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on the wall
The board's on the wall
Co jest...?
Co jest na tablicy?
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What's on the board?
na tablicy
Co jest na tablicy?
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on the board
What's on the board?
(Jakiś) Marker jest na tablicy
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a marker
A marker is on the board
Gdzie są...?
Gdzie są książki?
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Where are...?
Where are the books?
Gdzie są książki?
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Where are the books?
na półce
Książki są na półce
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on the shelf
The books are on the shelf
zegar ścienny
Gdzie jest zegar?
inizia ad imparare
a clock
Where is the clock?

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