Wie findest du das?

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Domanda Risposta
Cesaretinize hayranım
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Ich bewundere euren Mut
I find your suggestion good
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Ich finde deinen Vorschlag gut
I like the skirt but I don't like the blouse
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Den Rock finde ich schön, aber die Bluse nicht
I find the curtains ugly
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Ich finde die Vorhänge hässlich
What do you think of that? Bunun hakkında ne düşünüyorsun? Bunu nasıl buluyorsun?
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Wie findest du das?
What do you think about that? What is your opinion on that?
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Was meinst du dazu?
I find Falafel delicious
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Ich finde Falafel lecker
Do you find these boots fine?
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Findest du diese Stiefel schön?
I find her voice great
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Ich finde ihre Stimme toll.
Filmi nasıl buldun?
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Wie fandest du den Film?
Onu yeteri kadar kalifiye buluyorum
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Ich finde, dass er qualifiziert genug ist.
Onu çekici buluyorum
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Ich finde ihn attraktiv
bu kulağa korkunç geliyor. I think that sounds appalling-terrible
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Ich finde, dass das entsetzlich klingt.
mirko bunu garip buluyor
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Mirko findet das seltsam
Bunu komik mi buluyorsunuz? Do you guys think that's funny?
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Findet ihr das lustig?
Onda ne buluyorsun?
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Was findest du an ihm?
We think that the idea is not bad
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Wir finden die Idee nicht schlecht.

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