Wiktoria - wyrażenia

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Domanda Risposta
prowadzić firmę
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run a company / business
nosić nazwę
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bear a name
The school bears a name of this famous poet.
dojść do wniosku
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come to a conclusion / reach a conclusion
nawet jesli
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even if
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lend a helping hand
skończyć się / zabraknąć (run)
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run out of
We have run out of money.
pracować jako lekarz
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work as a doctor
w telewizji/ w radio
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on TV / radio
zmienić zdanie (mind)
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change sb's mind
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throw up
na okrągło/ 24 h na dobę
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round-the-clock / round-the-clock
rzut beretem / o krok
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a stone's throw
pokonać rekord
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beat the record
kartoteka kryminalna
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criminal record
1. reszta 2. drobne pieniądze
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bilet w jedna stronę
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single ticket
bilet w dwie strony, powrotny
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return ticket
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figure sth out
I can't figure it out. It's not clear.
zniknać jak kamfora
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vanish into the air
pokonać dystans
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cover the distance
pokryć wydatki
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cover the expenses
Wolałbym, żebyś został
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I'd rather you stayed
zdradzić coś (give)
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give away
głuchy jak pień
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as deaf as a post
kierować kimś/czymś (charge)
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be in charge of sth
He is in charge of this project.
kandydować w wyborach
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stand for election
nie znosić kogoś/ czegoś
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can't stand sb/sth
I can't stand Mike. He's irritating.
odejść, umrzeć (pass)
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pass away
cóż u licha? / co u diabła?
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What on earth?
What on earth are you doing here?
z obawy przed czymś (fear)
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for fear of
She did it for fear of loosing the job.
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that's why, therefore
z powodu czegoś
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due to
We stay at home due to the rain.
startować (o samolocie)
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take off
kurs wymiany walut
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exchange rate
brak mi słów (loss)
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I'm at a loss for words
rozładować się (o baterii)
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to go dead / go flat
wykluczać coś (rule)
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rule something out
numer wewnętrzny
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extension number
towar wart swojej ceny (value)
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good value for money
przenocować kogoś (put)
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put somebody up
nagle, niespodziewanie (sudden)
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all of a sudden
doprowadzać kogoś do szału
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drive sb crazy
She drives me crazy.
mieć właśnie coś zrobić / mieć zamiar coś zrobić
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be about to do it
I'm about to go.
to nie moja bajka, coś co lubię robić
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It's not my cup of tea.

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