Work-life balance

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Domanda English Risposta English
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causing difficulty
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o not give enough care or attention to something or someone
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dress-down Friday
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you can wear informal clothes on this day
maternity leave
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a period of weeks or months that a mother spends away from her usual job so that she can look after a new baby
paternity leave
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a period of weeks or months that a father spends away from his usual job so that he can look after his baby or child
run of of something
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to not have enough energy to finish doing something
be about to do sth
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to be going to do something very soon
to get a grip
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recover one’s self-control
to get to the nub of sth
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get to the heart of something
core issue
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central, key, fundamental problem
to set the boundaries
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to decide where is the limit

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