Wyrażenia z zaimkami zwrotnymi

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Domanda Risposta
by myself
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przeze mnie
all by myself
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wszystko sam
for myself
inizia ad imparare
dla siebie
to myself
inizia ad imparare
do siebie
i did it myself
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Sam to zrobiłem
me myself
inizia ad imparare
ja sam
I'm not myself
inizia ad imparare
Nie jestem sobą
I'm speaking for myself
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Mówię za siebie
I'm ashamed of myself
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Wstydzę się samego siebie
help yourself
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pomóż sobie
take care of yourself
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Uważaj na siebie
by yourself
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przez siebie
do it yourself
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zrób to sam
for yourself
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dla siebie
please take care of yourself
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Proszę dbać o siebie
you best know yourself
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najlepiej znasz siebie
she did it herself
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sama to zrobiła
by herself
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She making problems to herself
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Ona sama sobie robi problemy
She want to did all by herself
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Ona chce zrobić wszystko sama
by himself
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przez samego siebie
he speaking to himself
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on mówi do siebie
for himself
inizia ad imparare
dla niego
he prepared it himself
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sam to przygotował
all by himself
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zupełnie sam
he ate all by himself
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zjadł wszystko sam
he has his phone beside himself
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on ma swój telefon obok siebie
in himself
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w sobie
by themselves
inizia ad imparare
przez nich samych
among themselves
inizia ad imparare
między sobą
to themselves
inizia ad imparare
do siebie samych
They did it themselves.
inizia ad imparare
Zrobili to sami.
between themselves
inizia ad imparare
pomiędzy nimi
between ourselves
inizia ad imparare
między nami
we ourselves
inizia ad imparare
my sami
among ourselves
inizia ad imparare
między nami

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