Young criminals get fun days out

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Pol. pustynia
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a 13-week wilderness experience course
to go down a very steep slope by holding on to a rope which is fastened to the top of the slope
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he went canoeing and abseiling at a country retreat
(esp. of a person's behaviour) changeable, selfish and difficult to control
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The local authority provided wayward youngsters with a range of outdoor activities
Pol. wąwóz
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a range of outdoor activities including kayaking, gorge walking
more than enough, esp. if expensive, very generous
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there is no guarantee that rewarding bad behaviour so lavishly stops the children reoffending.
If you r... sth that is wrong, you do something to correct or improve it.
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the situation had been remedied
silly or stupid
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It sounds bonkers to me
Something that is ... lasts for a long time or is difficult to get rid of.
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a persistent young offender
to refuse
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Highland council declined to comment.
a child, esp. one who behaves badly
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Brat Camp
a journey or visit made for pleasure by an official or officials, which is paid for by someone else, often with public money
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The junkets included a visit

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