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Zatrzymaj resztę
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Keep the change
Szukam okularów słonecznych
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I'm looking for sunglasses
Wezmę te spodnie
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I'll take these trousers
Ta sukienka pasuje ci świetnie!
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This dress suits you perfectly!
Jeansowa kurtka
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Denim jacket
Gdzie są przymierzalnie?
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Where are the fitting rooms?
Kup troche mrożonek
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Buy some frozen foods
Zamierzam zrobić listę zakupów
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I'm going to make a shopping list
Zanosi się na deszcz
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It is going to rain
Zamierzam pooglądać Netflix
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I'm going to watch Netflix
Ile cukru mamy?
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How much sugar have we got?
Ile jabłek jest na stole?
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How many apples are on the table?
Ile soli dodajesz do zupy?
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How much salt do you add to soup?
Ile pieniędzy mamy?
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How much money have we got?
Ile komputerów jest w klasie?
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How many computers are there in the classroom?
To naprawdę tanio
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It's really cheap
Czy mogę to przymierzyć?
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Can I try it on?
Potrzebuję sweter, rozmiar S
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I need a sweater, size S
Tam jest stoisko z hot dogami
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There is a hot dog stand over there
Idę do sklepu z ubraniami
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I'm going to a clothes shop
Zanosi się na śnieg
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It's going to snow
Ile kosztuje tamta spódnica?
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How much is that skirt?
Wezmę tamten T-shirt
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I will take that T-shirt
Czy mogę zapłacić kartą?
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Can I pay by card?
Zapłacę gotówką
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I will pay in cash
Czego szukasz?
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What are you looking for?
Jaki rozmiar ubrań nosisz?
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What size clothes do you wear?
Gdzie są przymierzalnie?
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Where are the fitting rooms?
Te spodnie pasują
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These trousers fit
Te buty nie pasują
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These shoes don't fit
Zatrzymaj paragon
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Keep the receipt
Po ile tamte jabłka?
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How much are those apples?
To za drogo
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It's too expensive
Jak mogę pomóc?
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How can I help?
Chciałbym niebieski T-shirt
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I would like a blue T-shirt
Ile kosztuje ta koszula?
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How much is this shirt?
Zamierzam kupić warzywa i owoce
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I'm going to buy fruit and vegetables
Jaki jest twój ulubiony sklep?
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What's your favourite shop?
Ile soku mamy?
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How much juice have we got?
Ile czasu mamy?
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How much time have we got?
Czy jesteś teraz obsługiwany?
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Are you being served?

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