zdrowie i choroby

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Domanda Risposta
źle się czuć
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feeling sick
gdy masz już objawy
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come down with an illness
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1. illness 2. sickness
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to treat
wyjść z choroby
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to get over an illness
it doesn't take me long to get over a common cold.
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passed out
call the ambulance! she has passed out!
słaby, mdleć
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infekcja, zakażenie
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a prescription
The Doctor gave me a prescription
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The Doctor diagnosed me
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zatrucie pokarmowe
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food poisoning
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swell up
The patients feet swell up.
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throw up
The womans thrown up a few times.
Nic dziwnego
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No wonder
shes pregnant, SO no wonder she throws up.
uczucie mdłości
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feeling queasy
Pasować do
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Fit into
The woman wants to fit into her dress.
wyleczyć się z choroby
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recover from an illness
what should i do to recover from this terrible flu?
dojść do siebie po chorobie
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come round
we still waiting for our son to come round after the crash
wypchany nos, zapchany
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stuffed up nose
My nose is completely stuffed up
trzymaj się ode mnie z daleka!
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stay away from me!
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zachorował na grypę
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To go down with a Cold / to gone down with a flu
układ odpornościowy / odporność
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immune system / immunity
her immune system is so ineffective
cierpieć z powodu czegoś
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suffer from something
what do these people suffer from?
choroba / choroba
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disease / illness
wszystko zepsuło
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spoilt everything
borykają się z
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struggle with
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przynajmniej / co najmniej
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at least
nagły atak
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a sudden bout
nagły atak któregokolwiek z nich
A sudden bout of either of them
polegać na
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rely on
rely on home remedies
domowe środki zaradcze
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home remedies
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uspokojony, odczuwający ulgę
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Mieć w zasięgu ręki
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To have within her reach
pojawia się choroba
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illness sets in
regularne kontrole
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regular checkups

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