zwierzęta 3(2)

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pies / psy
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dog / dogs
pies ma cztery piłki
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the dog has four balls
psy się bawią w parku
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dogs are playing in the park
koń / konie
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horse / horses
koń mieszka w stadinie
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the horse lives in a stud
konie są wielkie
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horses are great
ptak / ptaki
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bird / birds
ptak lata nad nami
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a bird flies above us
ptaki fruwają nad drzewami
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birds fly over the trees
kot / koty
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cat / cats
kot ma miseczkę mleka
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the cat has a bowl of milk
dwa koty pani grubskiej mieszkają z nią w domu
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Mrs. Fat's two cats live with her at home
mysz / myszy
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mouse / mouse
czy to mysz od komputera?
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is this a computer mouse?
Ile kosztują te myszy?
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How much do these mice cost?

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