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O ile wiem, tak.
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As far as I know, yes.
Trzecie drzwi po prawej.
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Third door on the right.
Termin wykonania jest jutro.
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The deadline is tomorrow.
Bez różnicy.
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Either would be good.
Będziemy zachwyceni
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We'd be delighted
Cały zespół
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The whole team
Czy jest tu w pobliżu bankomat?
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Is there a cash machine near here?
Jest tam, przed supermarketem.
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It's over there, outside the supermarket.
To zależy.
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That depends.
Kiedy ona przejdzie na emeryturę?
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When will she retire?
Jest bezrobotna.
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She is unemployed.
Na zasiłku dla bezrobotnych
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On unemployment benefit
Sprawdzę to.
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I'll check it out.
Załóżmy zamówienie.
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Let's place the order.
Nie działa.
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It, s out of order.

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