
 0    18 schede    julitamlaskawa
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Domanda Risposta
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you have to
bezwzględnie musisz
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you must
formalnie musisz
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you have got to
inizia ad imparare
you need to
jest wymagane
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be required
inizia ad imparare
you had to
było wymagane
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was / were required to
inizia ad imparare
you needed to
nie musisz
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you don't have to
nie potrzebujesz
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you don't need to do
nie jest wymagane
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not be required to
nie musiałeś
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you didn't have to
nie potrzebowałeś
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you didn't need to
nie było wymagane
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was not required to
Nie wolno ci
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You mustn't
nie możesz
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you can not
nie pozwala ci się
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you are not allowed to
nie pozwolono ci
inizia ad imparare
you were not allowed to

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