zwroty kartkowka angielski 1

 0    22 schede    edi22036
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czy chcialbys isc
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would you like to go
moze pojdziemy
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how about going
czy chcesz isc
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do you want to go
Pewnie, chciałbym
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sure, I’d love to
brzmi niezle / swietnie
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sounds nice / great
co za swietny pomysl
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what a great idea
pozwol mi o tym pomyslec
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let me think about it
nie jestem pewien czy portafie
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I'm not sure i can
dam ci znac pozniej
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I will let you know later
przepraszam ale nie moge
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I'm sorry but I can’t
nie sadze ze moge sprawic
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I don’t think I can make it
mam inne plany
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I've got other plans
no jasne
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you bet
wchodze w to
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count me in
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maybe, we’ll see
raczej nie
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not really
nie mam ochoty
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i cant’t be bothered
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nie najgorsze
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not bad
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