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a picture that you have in your mind; a picture that you see through a camera, on a television or computer screen, in a mirror etc; a picture of a person or thing that is drawn, painted etc on a surface
What does Bailey feel is important when taking a photo portrait?
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Baileys feels it is important to get a reaction from the person to see their true personality. He thinks you should see things as they are, not how you think they should be.
captures the beauty
Photography is actually the art of capturing the beauty of life, the act of appreciating ‘the moment,’ and used as a personal database in one quick snapshot.
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shows you how beautiful something is
making you remember or imagine something
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reminds you of, makes you think about
evoking or tending to evoke an especially emotional response
very famous or popular, especially being considered to represent particular opinions or a particular time
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important and recognisable, well-known and memorable
telling people information that they did not know before, especially about a person’s character or feelings
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telling us something about
revealing clothes show parts of your body that are usually kept covered
unusual and noticeable
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strong and easily noticed
very attractive
intended to make someone angry or upset, or to cause a lot of discussion
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creates a reaction, exciting to look at (maybe also sexually exciting)
intended to make someone sexually excited
wind them up
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to be in an unpleasant situation or place after a lot has happened
to wind up in jail/at sb’s house etc. (informal) acabar na cadeia/na casa de alguém
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disapproving criticizing people unfairly
Techniques for analysing
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a visual text
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see framing
body language and gaze
to look at someone or something for a long time
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facial expressions, gestures, stance or position - can convey the attitude, feelings or personality of the individual shown.
Take note of the direction of the subject's eyes.
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what is included is deliberately placed (also applies to what is omitted)
Consider all inclusions and omissions e.g. surroundings, objects, clothing, etc.
Colour, Hue and Tone
a colour
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In black&white images examine the use of contrast, light and darkness. In colour images, colours are used to signify feelings and evoke a response.
E.G. Red - passion, anger, hell, vitality, etc; Blue - peace, harmony or coldness.
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the arrangement of opposite elements (light and dark, large and small, rough and smooth) to create interest, excitement or drama.
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The same camera shots and angles relevant to film. Close ups, extreme close ups, medium shots, long shots, tilted up or down shots etc.
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What has been deliberately left out.
Orientation, point of view
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Relates to framing and angle, is the responder positionaed above the image (looking down), below or at eye level?
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Consider which objects have been placed in the foreground, middle ground or background.
Rule of thirds
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Divide an image into thirds from the top and sides and look at the placement of people and/or objects.
An object in the top third is usually empowered whereas anything in the bottom third is disempowered.
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The part that your eyes are first drawn to in the visual. Colour image and layout determine what the salient image is.
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The use of an image to represent one or more (often complex) ideas.
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The line that our eyes take when looking at a visual. Composers deliberately direct our reading path through the vectors.
E.g. if all of the subject are tall, long and upright our eyes follow straight vector that lead to the top of the frame. This could make the subject seem powerful or inflexible.

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