17. Kuba Have got & godziny

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Mam psa.
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I have got a dog.
On ma kilka kotów.
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He has got some cats.
Nie mam żadnych kaczek.
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I haven't got any ducks.
Ona nie ma żadnych owiec.
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She hasn't got any sheep.
Czy ty masz samochód?
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Have you got a car?
Czy on ma jakieś kurczaki?
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Has he got any chickens?
Ile masz gęsi?
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How many geese have you got?
Ile ona ma kucyków?
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How many ponies has she got?
Jest 7 godzina
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It's 7 o'clock
Jest wpół do trzeciej.
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It's half past two.
Jest za piętnaście ósma.
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It is quarter to eight.
Jest piętnaście po dziesiątej.
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It's quarter past ten.
Jest za dwie druga.
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It's two to two.
Jest 20 po 7
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It's 20 past 7
Która godzina?
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What time is it?

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